Firstly, you must go to the doctor to confirm that you have diabetes. He will perform a urinary test (or any other effective test) on you.
When you are confirmed diabetics, you might find out that you are psychologically affected thus; the first diabetes care you have to consider is your psychology. You have to realize that you can still live long and healthy physical, social and emotional life. You might even end up liveing more healthier and meaningful life than people without diabetes. Yes! The reason is simple. Diabetes care and management is all about forming healthy lifestyles which is a prerequisite for longer and healthier life.
Another thing you have to do is to take balanced and healthy diets. It is a very vital diabetes care and management strategy. Healthy diets help your body to get all the nutrients and energy it needs. It is very important because it forms a major determinant of whether the disorder is well controlled or not.
Diabetes care and management also has to do with exercise. Exercise is good for you. It helps to burn unwanted fat. Little daily exercise alone can improve your health to a great extent. While exercising, go on exercises that are mild for you and avoid bruising yourself.
Your drugs, tests and treatments should also be taken seriously. Always go to your doctor for advice and report any strange change in your body promptly.
Never for any reason miss or ignore your treatments. You might meet people who might want to dissuade you from taking your treatments, most especially on the ground that diabetes has cure. Never listen to them. Remember that your life is what is at stake. Diabetes has no proven cure. Don’t risk your life. Diabetes care and management is the proven best way. Guard your life jealously. It is yours and yours alone.